Sport Psychology, Coaching and Physical Education | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

Modern coaching is a wide ranging arm of sports science which is relevant at competitive, community and participation levels. Coaching and teaching represent different skill sets from the same spectrum, applied in varying environments and supported by other essential areas of knowledge such as sport psychology, human movement, social impact of sport and the value of applying sports development to lifelong progression. Both sports coaching and physical education operate on the same spectrum, the aim being to encourage, develop and progress others in terms of sporting performance or participation. Coaching can apply at elite performance level but equally at community level where coaches stimulate people who have never taken part in sport and exercise to reshape their lives. When directly involving youngsters coaching works side by side with physical education. Increasingly schools are out-sourcing sports delivery to coaches and likewise more sports practitioners are entering teaching through a coaching pathway.

Sport Psychology, Coaching and Physical Education | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | London Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

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