OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Teaching and Learning | Graduate diploma / certificate | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 1 year | London School of Business and Education | United Kingdom

OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Teaching and Learning is to develop your understanding of the theory and practice involved in education. It provides you with an opportunity to engage with the challenges facing professionals and policymakers in your own country. It will provide knowledge that underpins the ability to work as an effective practitioner in the education sector. It combines both theoretical and practical knowledge in the education profession and will develop and enhance knowledge and skills in the areas of curriculum planning, effective performance, action research and development. You will be able to work in a variety of roles within education and/or management. Successful completion of the OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Teaching and Learning qualification enables you to progress into or within employment and/or continue their study towards a relevant Degree or Masters program with advanced standing.

OTHM Level 6 Diploma in Teaching and Learning | Graduate diploma / certificate | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 1 year | London School of Business and Education | United Kingdom

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