Certificate in Photography | Diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | Long Beach City College | USA

The Certificate in Photography is directed towards students who want to learn entry level skills necessary to embark upon a career in the photography industry. The Certificate program includes emphasis on practical applications leading to career advancement. Through the duration of the Certificate in Photography students will produce professional quality photographic artwork that demonstrates skill, craftsmanship, comprehension of visual design, and aesthetic conceptual rigor. Participants will also develop a foundation of skills, craft, traditional and digital technologies where ideas and concepts are communicated through the production of photographic images as well as learn how to analyze, interpret, and exercise critical judgment in the evaluation of visual artwork. Upon completion of the Certificate in Photography successful students will be prepared for employment in a wide range of professional photographic careers, in areas such as portraiture, studio lighting, photography for publication, photography on location, experimental and fine art. Additionally the traditional and digital approaches of the Certificate in Photography also train students for technical careers in both digital media and the arts.

Certificate in Photography | Diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | Long Beach City College | USA

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