Fine Arts Certificate | Diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 or 2 years | Lorenzo de' Medici - The Italian International Institute | Italy

The Fine Arts Certificate program at LdM allows students to develop a strong foundation in drawing, painting, ceramics, and sculpture that opens doors to self-expression as they find their voice as visual artists. Students learn theoretical concepts and acquire the necessary tools that underlie the making of historical and contemporary art. From the finest painters of the Renaissance to unparalleled access to museums and open studios, students find inspiration in one of the richest art environments, Florence. The program is structured in a sequence to set a strong base for students to master different expressive tools while creating their own works of art. The faculty hold lessons in-field using Florence as a classroom setting in historical gardens, lively streets, and the surrounding areas of the city. Students build from this base as they discover classic Italian artistic traditions such as the Tuscan art of terracotta and painting and printing techniques. As they continue through the program, students learn the basic principles of hatching, drawing, color mixing, handling of brush strokes, glazing and scumbling, as well as traditional canvas preparation, all while realizing their potential as expressive artists.

Fine Arts Certificate | Diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 or 2 years | Lorenzo de' Medici - The Italian International Institute | Italy

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