Chemical Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Loughborough University | United Kingdom

Chemical Engineering is concerned with the processing of raw materials into products on a commercial scale. It can also be described as process engineering. The products from Chemical Engineering operations are seen all around us including, for example, petrol, pharmaceuticals, food, drinking water, paints, cosmetics and clothing. The principles underpinning the manufacture of these products include mass and energy balances, thermodynamics, fluid flow and heat transfer, chemical reactor theory, mixing and separation processes, process control, plant safety and process economics. The main supporting subjects are mathematics and the physical sciences, backed up by computing, Together with some chemistry. Principles and theories are essential for understanding real processes but students also need to develop professional competence. We develop our students' capabilities from the outset through experimental work, design and research projects as well as computer simulations. Engineers working in industry participate in some of our design exercises and help keep them realistic. Oral and written presentations given by students help develop their confidence in communicating ideas.

Chemical Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Loughborough University | United Kingdom

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