Aerospace-Professional Pilot B.S. | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Middle Tennessee State University | USA

MTSU has a rich History of teaching students to fly, dating back to WWII when flight training took place right on campus. Today, graduates from the Professional Pilot program fly for every major US airline, at dozens of regional airlines, and for corporations and government agencies. To prepare for these opportunities, Pro Pilot students must complete flight operations coursework and achieve pilot certification up to and including the Commercial Multi-engine Certificate with an Instrument Rating. Students receive extensive experience in all aspects of the flight environment, culminating in a turbine aircraft transition course. Graduates must demonstrate proficiency in aircraft systems operation, determination of aircraft performance parameters, navigation, communication, and airport operations. MTSU trains in state-of-the-art aircraft with "glass" (computerized) flight decks and an innovative, scenario-based curriculum. This MTSU curriculum is FAA approved under 14 CFR Part 141, and allows students to be trained to proficiency instead of requiring minimum flight times. MTSU's Professional Pilot curriculum has been recognized by the FAA so that graduates may receive credit up to 500 flight hours toward the Restricted Airline Transport Pilot certificate.

Aerospace-Professional Pilot B.S. | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Middle Tennessee State University | USA

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