Business Administration M.B.A | Master's degree | Business | Blended Learning | 36-45 semester hours | Middle Tennessee State University | USA

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree will dramatically expand one's knowledge of business and is the academic ticket to greater opportunities for employment, promotions, and income. The M.B.A. encapsulates complex business analyses, the impact of current events on the global business environment, and examining the functional areas of business in addressing management decisions. The program includes courses in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and data analytics. An M.B.A. offers a well-rounded foundation for a career in the corporate world or the education arena. It is vital that the student who wishes to pursue the M.B.A. seek a university that has earned the AACSB accreditation"”as has MTSU's Jennings A. Jones College of Business, an acknowledgement that the program has passed rigorous standards to create a high-quality business regimen.

Business Administration M.B.A | Master's degree | Business | Blended Learning | 36-45 semester hours | Middle Tennessee State University | USA

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