Mechatronics Engineering B.S. | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Middle Tennessee State University | USA

MTSU's new Mechatronics Engineering degree program is on the cutting edge of a fast-growing industry. Jobs are waiting for engineers to design and enhance robotics and automated systems. The design process of mechatronics combines mechanical, computer, and electrical engineering along with systems integration and technical project management. A surgical robot is a perfect example of a mechatronic system, performing precision mechanical work under sophisticated electronic and sensory control. Unlike traditional programs, MTSU's mechatronics has a systems approach, breaking the whole down into subsystems and then components, so that graduates can design products with a system in mind, not just one component. Rutherford County auto industry giants Bridgestone, with a mechatronics facility at its LaVergne education center, and Nissan are among worldwide and local partners in the program.

Mechatronics Engineering B.S. | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | Middle Tennessee State University | USA

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