Bachelor & Diploma in Architecture | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 5 years | Neapolis University Pafos | Cyprus

The School of Architecture, Engineering, Land and Environmental Sciences, is characterized by a multidisciplinary scientific structure. In particular, the Department of Architecture, Land and Environmental Sciences, contains the programs of Architecture,Master in Landscape Architecture, as well the Msc. in Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainability Management. The co-existence of these four scientific disciplines, demonstrates the specific character of the Department, which is its multidisciplinary structure. Despite the fact that each one of these discrete disciplines keeps its scientific autonomy, certain synergies exist between them, for two basic reasons. Educationally for their Cognitive cross enrichment, whereas technically for source saving.

Bachelor & Diploma in Architecture | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 5 years | Neapolis University Pafos | Cyprus

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