Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 4 years | New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine | New Zealand
This level 7, four year 480 credit qualification was the first programme of its kind for New Zealand in 2007. It offers hands on training in acupuncture as well as moxa, cupping and gua sha. Developed to meet the continuing educational needs of the large number of acupuncture diploma graduates and people who want to become acupuncturists. It enhances the acupuncture knowledge base and informs clinical practice enabling high quality, first contact, primary -care providers as well as providing the pathway to pursue further studies into postgraduate, Masters and PhD studies at NZSATCM's programmes or have the opportunity to undertake Master’s and Doctorate studies at the following partner institutions: Southern Medical University, Guangzhou; Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine; Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan