Cyber Security | Foundation / Pathway program | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 2 years | Newcastle College | United Kingdom

If you have an interest in security and how your information is protected, then this course is for you. There has been significant media attention surrounding digital attacks and this course will teach you how to test and protect systems. You will gain an understanding of ethical hacking and penetration testing for computer systems. This course covers everything from the prevention of attacks including the creation of a risk management strategy and disaster recovery planning, securing your own systems as well as business systems right through to cyber security programming. As part of our work-ready guarantee, you will be given student membership of the British Computer Society (BCS), allowing you to participate in continuing professional development activities and events, you will also benefit from guest lectures and question and answer sessions with experts from the police and industry. You will be encouraged to undertake work placements and manage live projects from industry, giving you valuable work experience to help you to secure employment upon graduation. This course will equip you with the skills to work in a range of roles within the police, private computer forensics and security organisations or as an internal specialist for larger organisations. Academic progression is also available via our one-year BSc (Hons) Applied Computing (Cyber Security) (Top-Up) degree.

Cyber Security | Foundation / Pathway program | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 2 years | Newcastle College | United Kingdom

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