Business Administration Diploma | Diploma / certificate | Business | On Campus | 2 years | North Island College | Canada
Explore career options in general management, marketing or accounting to determine the path that’s right for you. Learn from top-notch faculty, connect with business leaders and prepare for great jobs locally and internationally with a range of co-op and applied learning opportunities.
General Management Option
Choose the general management option if you are looking for a program that covers a broad base of management functions. Sharing a common first year with other diploma options, you will continue into second year to learn commercial law, consumer behaviour, e-business, management information systems and entrepreneurial and small business management. These courses and others will help you develop a broad range of business and administrative skills and build a solid foundation for entry into the business world. After graduation, you will qualify for entry-level positions with large and small organizations, in the private or public sector. You will be prepared to start your own businesses or to enter directly into the third year of the Bachelor of Business Administration degree, General Management major.
Accounting Option
Choose the accounting option to qualify for entry-level accounting positions in accounting firms, other businesses or public sector organizations. Many of the courses within the accounting option are recognized toward Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA) designation. If you are pursuing the accounting option, you may, on completion of the diploma, enter directly into the third year of the Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Accounting major.
Marketing Option
Choose the marketing option to gain practical skills and a solid foundation of knowledge for employment in a marketing environment. Second year courses include consumer behaviour, professional selling, retail management, services marketing, and entrepreneurship and small business management. You will be prepared for a wide range of careers in retailing, marketing mana