M.S. in Chemistry | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | Northeastern Illinois University | USA

Uncover the building blocks of matter. Enhance your career opportunities as you explore the how and why of matter. The M.S. in Chemistry prepares students for careers in industry, business or teaching, or additional graduate work or professional studies. There are three options: Separation Science Emphasis: Prepares students for careers in pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries as well as environmental laboratories General Program Emphasis: Prepares students to enter professional schools or to continue further graduate work Chemical Education Emphasis: Serves in-service middle and high school teachers who earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and hold a teaching certification/license to become highly qualified teachers trained in advanced chemistry and pedagogical content knowledge of teaching science in secondary schools Program Benefits The Department of Chemistry fosters an active research program. The department houses modern chemical instrumentation such as HPLC, FTIR, AAS, UV Visible Spectrometer, NMR, Fluorescence Spectrometer, GC-MS, AFM and ICP.

M.S. in Chemistry | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | Northeastern Illinois University | USA

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