Master's program in Life Science Technologies | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Aalto University | Finland

Technological innovations have become an essential part of modern healthcare, well-being and bioeconomy. Therefore, both in academic research and industry there is an increasing need for people who can deal with today's increasingly complex biomedical problems. The Master's Program in Life Science Technologies offers a multidisciplinary curriculum focusing on important aspects of current biomedical research, covering fields such as bioinformatics, bioelectronics, biomaterials, biomedical engineering, biosystems, complex systems and neuroscience. The program is closely linked to research conducted in the participating schools and departments. In the program, students get cutting-edge knowledge of biological systems and phenomena in life sciences, acquire skills in modelling, data analysis, measurement technologies, designing, conducting and reporting experiments, and learn to apply the skills and knowledge in important problems related to life sciences.

Master's program in Life Science Technologies | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Aalto University | Finland

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