Chemical Engineering (MASc) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Ryerson University | Canada

Of all engineering disciplines, Chemical Engineering is by far the most unique and versatile one, combining both engineering principles and the sciences of chemistry, biology and physics. Chemical engineering is also a dynamic area of study since it overlaps with currently important areas such as biotechnology, biochemical, environmental, food, water treatment technologies and polymer engineering. These areas make use of new process technologies as well as more traditional unit operations found in chemical engineering such as reactors, dryers, packed beds and distillation towers to develop and manufacture new and innovative products. Moreover, with the advent of accessibility to faster computer Technology, process modelling, simulation and control have become an important integral part of Chemical Engineering studies and research at Ryerson University.

Chemical Engineering (MASc) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 2 years | Ryerson University | Canada

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