Clinical Psychosexology | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy

The master's degree course, in short, has the task to train, for the first time in the Italian university system, clinical psychologists and Sexologists. The graduated student, in particular, will have specific competences inmanaging the individual, the dyad, the family, up to the social and cultural macro area. The Master Degree in Clinical Psychosexology includes various areas such as: research, evaluation, diagnosis and intervention to which psychological and medical disciplines such as psycho-sexology, dynamic psychology, clinical psychology, evolutionary psychopathology contribute theoretically and methodologically, medical sexology, forensic psychology and the history and sociology of sexual mores.

Clinical Psychosexology | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy

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