Design, multimedia and Visual Communication | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy

The Master's Degree course in Design, Visual and multimedia Communication (LM / 12), founded in the AA. 2007/2008, is a second level training program in the field of Design which aims to train a designer able to conceive and control in its content, aesthetic and technological aspects the communicative artifacts that interact with everyday life, be they analog than digital.During the two-year period, graduates in Design, Visual and multimedia Communication acquire the skills, tools and methodologies relevant to the design and production of communicative artefacts in the fields of typography, graphics, advertising and publishing, multimedia, interactive and hyperMedia communication, the design and creation of tangible and intangible artefacts also for the performing and exhibit design sector.

Design, multimedia and Visual Communication | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy

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