Computational and Data Science and Engineering | Doctorate / PhD | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 4 years | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russia

Skoltech Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering(CDISE) aims at the conduction of cross-cutting interdisciplinary research driven by modern applications in the fields of computational and data sciences. Counting 30 professors, 50+ researchers, 110+ PhD students, and 230+ MSc students, CDISE has accumulated various research groups with the expertise ;unique in Russia and competitive at the world level in their prospective areas. The Center is actively involved in collaboration with other Skoltech CREIs to provide expertise on data-intensive computational tasks.

Computational and Data Science and Engineering | Doctorate / PhD | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 4 years | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russia

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