Japanese and Korean Studies (Research) | Doctorate / PhD | Languages | On Campus | 3 years | SOAS University of London | United Kingdom

The Department is able to supervise MPhil and PhD degrees by research and thesis in a wide range of cultural and linguistic subjects. Intending research students should not feel constrained to limit their choice of topics to those indicated against the names of current staff members (postgraduate students have recently been working on a range of topics that include Japanese cinema, Kabuki texts, modern Japanese Linguistics and literature, Meiji historical texts, Korean Linguistics and literature, Korean colonial and eighteenth century History). Research undertaken at MPhil and PhD level is based on literary, documentary, and archive material available at SOAS and also gathered during fieldwork in Japan and Korea.

Japanese and Korean Studies (Research) | Doctorate / PhD | Languages | On Campus | 3 years | SOAS University of London | United Kingdom

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