Aviation - Helicopter Pilot A.A.S. | Associate's degree | Transport & logistics | On Campus | 2 years | Southern Utah University | USA

Southern Utah University offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in Aviation with three specializations: Rotor-Wing (helicopter) Pilot, Fixed Wing (airplane) Pilot, and Unmanned Aircraft Operator. These specialized tracks share a common core of General Education courses. The two Pilot specializations share a common core of general aviation courses. The Unmanned Aircraft Operator specialization allows many of the same general aviation courses but it has its own list of core required courses. Specialized flight labs for the two Pilot specializations involve simulators and various aircraft which are housed at the Cedar City Airport. Unmanned Aircraft Operator flight labs include flying a simulator and a variety of unmanned aircraft systems at various locations both on campus and off campus.

Aviation - Helicopter Pilot A.A.S. | Associate's degree | Transport & logistics | On Campus | 2 years | Southern Utah University | USA

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