Web Development (top up with a placement year) | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 2.5 years | Staffordshire University | United Kingdom

A degree in Web Development lets you explore industry standard web development technologies and techniques. You’ll get to apply your knowledge to create professional, clean, secure and future-proof websites.The degree will equip you for a rapidly developing area of computing with excellent opportunities for employment. The sector includes traditional web application and development, as well as new areas of growth such as mobile applications, mobile gaming and desktop applications. You’ll explore web page design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, whilst covering areas such as social media, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and third party Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). You’ll also learn about the business issues and opportunities facing web developers.

Web Development (top up with a placement year) | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 2.5 years | Staffordshire University | United Kingdom

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