BBA in Sustainability Management | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Sustainability Management School | Switzerland

The aim of the BBA in Sustainability Management program is to offer an in-depth theoretical knowledge of business administration. At the end of the program, you will be able to understand the challenges facing executives in today's global business. You will learn how to strategically incorporate sustainable practices into every business's operations to provide the extra competitive edge required in today's complex business environment.Students are exposed to real business operations through regular interaction with the business community and corporate world.You will develop leadership and intercultural skills and be exposed to practical experience during experiential camps, field trips and visits to international organizations under the careful guidance of experts. The teaching methodology is predominately interactive based on role-play activities and in-class discussions of cases and videos. You will work on business projects with leading executives in organizations and will be invited to company presentations and conferences. Online resources and electronic communication platforms are utilized to enable paperless classes.Undergraduate students can choose to take an additional optional year to be guided into your career path and engage in an internship.

BBA in Sustainability Management | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Sustainability Management School | Switzerland

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