BSc Accounting and Finance | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3-4 years | Swansea University | United Kingdom

If you want a career at one of the ‘big four’ firms (Deloitte, EY, KPMG or PwC), or if see yourself as an accountant for a government body, small or large business, not-for-profit organisation, or individual, the BSc Accounting and Finance degree will equip you with everything you need. Equally, if you are seeking a future in the lucrative and powerful world of banking and finance, our course presents an excellent route. This degree is perfect if you have a committed interest in both accounting and finance (including management accounting, financial accounting, and corporate finance). As well as a strong foundation in both accounting and finance, it offers a range of optional modules to help develop your interests.

BSc Accounting and Finance | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3-4 years | Swansea University | United Kingdom

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