Media Studies with Spanish | Bachelor's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 3 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

These courses allow you to study media studies (two-thirds) with a modern language (one third), and are jointly run by the School of Creative Studies and Media and the School of Modern Languages. This course will equip you with a solid grounding in the principles of media theory and practice, as well as providing the technical and practical skills required to make you a sought-after media professional. In addition, the course will allow you to expand your knowledge of a modern language. Media staff in the School have a range of research interests including comics, gaming and virtual worlds, visual culture, live television, hypertexts, the gaming industry, and media events, and have recently written on topics such as film and video, multimedia, global media systems, virtual landscapes, social networks, interactive television, media and representation, cult TV, computer games and documentary.

Media Studies with Spanish | Bachelor's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 3 years | Bangor University | United Kingdom

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