Sustainability Studies | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | Poland

After completing the program the graduates have all necessary skills to analyze, understand and seek solutions to the complex issues of sustainability. They understand the specificity of sustainable development and know how to implement it on a local level. The graduates are highly skilled to work in an international environment and have a very high expertise in communicating in English. They can make a substantial contribution to developing environmental projects, as well as be valuable assets to NGOs, government agencies, individual clients, small or medium-sized enterprises or the academia. After completing the program the graduates are prepared to take jobs that require advanced planning skills and involve strategic, innovative and creative thinking, taking analytical and critical approach to problem solving as well as having sufficient knowledge of the traditions, experiences and practice of sustainable development. The graduates of Sustainability Studies' are future leaders and highly qualified experts in sustainability. They are well prepared to work in: international business environment; staff/leadership sections of environmental organizations; local, state, national or international governmental agencies; non-governmental organizations; the R+D sector or the academia.

Sustainability Studies | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | Poland

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