MSc in Plant Sciences | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 12 months | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel

The achievements of Israeli agriculture are renown worldwide. At its inception, the country was largely arid, rocky, and overgrown with weeds, bare mountains, barren fields, infested marshes, and an undeveloped water supply. Some of the most basic foods were imported. Today, Israel is a fertile and blooming land that exports its own agricultural products and has become a leader in irrigation systems, groundwater management, crop production, horticulture, biotechnology, biological and integrated pest control, and more. Israel's agriculture is a showcase demonstrating the ability to work with nature in order to create a friendlier environment. One of the key factors in Israel's agricultural success has been the close relationship between growers in the fields, research and development teams in industry, and the academic community. Constant mutual feedback makes research more responsive to real-life needs and gives those in the field the advantage of immediate access to new developments in the laboratories of academic institutions.

MSc in Plant Sciences | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 12 months | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel

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