Applied Building Repair and Conservation (Taught) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1 year | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland

This course is designed to provide a solid knowledge of materials and built fabrics, both modern and traditional, the causes and mechanisms of failure and the traditional as well as the most advanced ways to repair and preserve them. In addition, on completion of the Diploma, the student is expected to successfully complete a research project and produce specifications for conservation work. The student is expected to develop an understanding of how to manage a conservation project. This course has been approved by Engineers Ireland as meeting its requirements for continuing professional development. This course is recognised by the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) in connection with the RIAI Conservation Accreditation System.

Applied Building Repair and Conservation (Taught) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1 year | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland

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