Software Engineering for Embedded Systems | Master's degree | Computer Science & IT | Online/Distance | 4 semesters | TU Kaiserslautern | Germany
Today, traditionally hardware-dominated product domains are increasingly turning into software-dominated ones.
Many of the companies and organizations in these transitional domains still employ mostly traditional engineers without solid education and training in software engineering. Representatives in the industry have expressed great demand for a part-time training program to re-train the existing professional engineering work force in software engineering.
With this in mind, the DISC has developed this high-quality part-time distance program.
The program, offered by the DISC since 2008, imparts theoretical scientific background knowledge as well as practical methods, techniques, and tools that equip the engineer to deal with software development for embedded systems issues.
The overall goal of this distance education program is to provide professionals with a sound theoretical software engineering background as well as with practical methods, techniques, and tools that take software development issues into account. The program prepares the students for a career as professional software engineers in the industry. The course concludes with the academic degree "Master of Engineering" (M.Eng.).