Tourism Management and Planning | Master's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 2 years | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal

In articulation with the first and third cycles, this master's program is based on an interdisciplinary and integrated vision of the tourism sector. It aims to provide a deep and consolidated training which underpins the acquisition of the knowledge and expertise in the fields of planning and management which are necessary and essential to ensure the success and sustainability of any strategy of tourist development. This training should support a specialised grounding for students intending to follow a professional career in different public and private institutions in the tourism sector (including the leadership and coordination of advanced studies, and planning and management activities) as well as for those who intend to continue their academic studies.

Tourism Management and Planning | Master's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 2 years | Universidade de Aveiro | Portugal

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