Sports Therapy BSc (Hons) / FdSc | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University College Birmingham | United Kingdom

From working alongside professional footballers to treating sports injuries in a clinic, qualified sports therapists are in major demand across the sports, health and leisure industries. Our specialist Sports Therapy degree combines academic learning with developing your practical sports therapy skills to an advanced level, opening up a wide range of career options when you graduate. Having developed your understanding of the therapist’s role, the science of sports therapy and massage techniques, you will have a vast array of opportunities to gain experience putting your training to the test in the real world. Our past students have gained prestigious placements with the Scottish Rugby Union at the 2019 Rugby World Cup and Six Nations, as well as working for a host of other prolific sports clubs, organisations and events. You will also have the chance to work in University College Birmingham’s cutting-edge sports facilities, including our sports injury/massage clinics on campus. During your studies, you can gain a variety of further industry qualifications including sports massage and first aid. On completing our sports therapy course, you will also be qualified to join the industry’s professional body, The Society of Sports Therapists.

Sports Therapy BSc (Hons) / FdSc | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University College Birmingham | United Kingdom

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