Master's Degree in Interior Design | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 10-12 months | ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering | Spain

The Master's Degree in Interior Space Design will allow you to design and give meaning to domestic spaces and work environments, adapting to each of them to make them functional and creative. How do new economic and social conditions affect the solution of architectural problems? In the Master's Degree in Interior Design you will learn the meaning of home spaces and work environments. The Master’s Degree in Interior Design is aimed at students who wish to specialise in architectural interior design. It focuses on enhancing interior space with a distinctive character and appropriate significance, by underscoring its inherent sensitivities (light, colour, materials, textures, etc.) and also providing it with suitable conditions of use. This is possible thanks to two focused visions —corresponding to its two constituent postgraduate diplomas— which focus on how new social and economic conditions affect the features of spaces in work environments and households, respectively. With active and proven methodologies, the Master’s Degree in Interior Design aims to prepare designers to successfully tackle the challenges of the professional world.

Master's Degree in Interior Design | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 10-12 months | ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering | Spain

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