Postgraduate in Design and Communication Strategies | Graduate diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 6 months | ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering | Spain

Develop your creativity with each project from a learning that combines theory, methodology and practice. Prepare to develop and communicate messages with the aim of positioning, selling or disseminating a brand or company. The Postgraduate in Design and Communication Strategies trains design and communication professionals with a global and strategic vision, capable of structuring innovative solutions in the short, medium and long term, as well as integrating traditional communication media with digital media, promoting interaction and constant dialogue with the user. What are the keys to communicate in a persuasive way? How to enhance creativity? How to generate a creative leap that provides uniqueness and effectiveness? In a context that is progressively more complex and saturated with information, the relationship established by public and private organizations with society is in full swing. Both companies and public institutions that previously sent products and services to the market unidirectionally, now seek to manage a strategic communication oriented to interaction with the user. In this change, creativity, design and visual communication play a key role.

Postgraduate in Design and Communication Strategies | Graduate diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 6 months | ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering | Spain

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