Bachelor of Fine Arts in Textile Design | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 3 years | University of Borås | Sweden

Design, textile materials, and challenging existing textile techniques are in focus of the bachelor’s program Textile Design. With knowledge in technology and the latest research in materials and fibres, the students can test the limits of how these materials could be designed. During the first year, the students gain a solid foundation to base their further design work on. The third year is mainly devoted to a specialisation in one particular technique: printing, knitting, or weaving, together with internships and degree work. Throughout the entire program, the students build up their own portfolios, and exhibition techniques are a recurring subject during all three years. The students have several opportunities to exhibit their work, for example at the furniture fair in Stockholm and at the graduation exhibition show at the textile museum in Borås. In addition to this, collaborations with the exhibition New Designers in London have just been launched, where different British design programs exhibit their degree projects.

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Textile Design | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 3 years | University of Borås | Sweden

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