Undergraduate Degree in Industrial Design Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 semesters | ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering | Spain

The Undergraduate Degree in Industrial Design Engineering provides you with all tools, scientific knowledge and technological resources to assume the changes in our social and industrial environment and turns them into realities, by connecting society, technology and business. In the Undergraduate Degree in Industrial Design Engineering you will rethink the limits of design and engineering in order to become a professional capable of turning the social and technological trends into opportunities of design, ideas into shapes; drawings into prototypes; experiments with materials into user experiences; technological prototypes into industrially possible designs; data into digital interactions, and value proposals into value propositions into economically, ecologically and socially sustainable business models. Only in the "doing" is found the necessary engine to achieve the change and innovation that the new times require so much. Therefore, our educational model is based on project works where all disciplines coexist and combine to obtain unique and original results.

Undergraduate Degree in Industrial Design Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 semesters | ELISAVA Barcelona School of Design and Engineering | Spain

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