Acting BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | Bath Spa University | United Kingdom

This is a challenging Acting degree, taught by experienced and specialised staff, that reflects the considerable stamina and continued application required to become the actor that you want to be. Our excellent teaching reputation combines rigorous practical training with research and analytical skills. BA Acting provides regular technical classes to develop your voice, singing, movement and comedy skills to a professional level. In classes and performance projects, you’ll explore the key processes and practitioners that inform contemporary approaches to acting. In your second year, stage combat and on-camera acting and training classes help you develop work that is practical, skills-based and industry-aware. Underpinning this is an emphasis on the vital interaction between academic research and acting processes. Our Acting course is designed to equip you to succeed in an increasingly competitive profession. You’ll develop creative and transferable skills to become an independent thinker and motivated artist. We support your professional training with advice on how to optimise your creative and professional engagement with future employers (communication skills, CV, headshot, interview technique, industry correspondence, self-taping and career plan). You’ll compile a live digital presence, and consider all aspects of freelancing, working in performance-related careers, and/or undertaking further study.

Acting BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | Bath Spa University | United Kingdom

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