Business and Management (Marketing) BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Bath Spa University | United Kingdom

We’ll help you develop as a person to achieve your potential through teaching you about marketing and how it works. You’ll graduate with potential for employment in different businesses; this could be an organisation, the private or public sector, a charity or possibly your own business. We aim to give you the skills to apply your knowledge in a wide range of situations in any sector. Following a marketing pathway, you’ll develop specialist marketing skills from broad based marketing principles to creating a social media marketing campaign and how to market a brand internationally. You can also bring in modules from areas outside the marketing pathway if you want to explore issues around a particular ‘theme’, such as sustainability or global affairs.

Business and Management (Marketing) BA (Hons) | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 3 years | Bath Spa University | United Kingdom

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