Photography (Taught) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 months | University of Gloucestershire | United Kingdom

This highly vocational postgraduate course is aimed at supporting and challenging you in terms of ideas, creativity and ambitions, in order to build and expand your photographic (and moving image) portfolio and output.The course welcomes photofraphers from a wide range of backgrounds as well as those who have studied Photography at undergraduate level. We are looking for passion and a commitment to exploring and questioning the medium of Photography. We want you to produce high quality work that will aid either your personal development or your career ambitions within the creative industries.We are committed to opening dialogue between a diverse range of creative approaches. Our modules guide students towards recofnising potential themes and exploring them using an extended range of approaches and techniques. All classes are delivered on a single day per week thus allowing for work, travel and other commitments.

Photography (Taught) | Graduate diploma / certificate | Art & Design | On Campus | 4 months | University of Gloucestershire | United Kingdom

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