Adolescent, Child and Family Health (Research) | Doctorate / PhD | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 6 years | University of Hertfordshire | United Kingdom

This course develops extensive subject expertise and independent research skills which are honed over an extended period, depending on the level of the award. You would undertake a substantial, original research project for the duration of the degree, under the supervision and guidance of two or more academic members of staff. Your supervisory team provides guidance both in the selection of a research topic and in the conduct of the research. You are also supported by attendance at postgraduate seminar series to develop subject specific knowledge and research skills relevant to your field of research. During the course of the degree, you would be given opportunities to present your work at major conferences and in refereed research publications.

Adolescent, Child and Family Health (Research) | Doctorate / PhD | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 6 years | University of Hertfordshire | United Kingdom

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