Aerospace Systems Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 years | University of Hertfordshire | United Kingdom

The aerospace industry is increasingly in need of systems engineers with the skills to integrate modern communication systems with conventional aerospace systems to enhance aircraft, missile or space vehicle performance. Whilst this professionally accredited degree has much in common with the MEng/BEng degree in Aerospace Engineering there is a particular emphasis on avionics systems and flight control systems. It also provides the first step towards gaining chartered engineer status. In our Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) lab, you will have an opportunity to get involved with UAVs as extra-curricular activity or as part of your final year project. A modern aerospace design team crosses a wide range of engineering disciplines and one engineer will need to have a broad knowledge in order to manage the team. These are the systems engineers and they have the responsibility of ensuring that the performance of the aerospace system is satisfactory. This course not only includes the traditional aeronautical disciplines but also includes avionics systems such as modern navigation equipment and cockpit instrumentation. Systems engineers also specialize in logistics Engineering and Flight Control Systems. Whilst this professionally-accredited degree has much in common with the MEng/BEng in Aerospace Engineering there is a particular emphasis on avionics systems and flight control systems and includes an Astronautics option. It also provides the first step towards gaining chartered engineer status.

Aerospace Systems Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 years | University of Hertfordshire | United Kingdom

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