Inboard/Outboard Mechanic | Diploma / certificate | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 48 hours | British Columbia Institute of Technology - BCIT | Canada
The Inboard/Outboard Apprenticeship process requires time spent learning on the job and in the classroom. An Inboard/Outboard Mechanic apprentice must complete a four-year program including 6,720 workplace hours and 480 in-school hours of training. After completion of training, a passing grade on exams will result in the B.C. Certificate of Apprenticeship and B.C. Certificate of Qualification.The program will include courses in servicing internal combustion engines, basic electrical systems, perform boat rigging and repairs, service outboards, service inboards, repair engine support systems, service electrical systems, service drive units, service controls, steering and trim systems, troubleshoot and tune up and install power trains.