Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Industrial Placement) (Taught) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 15 months | University of Leicester | United Kingdom

This degree will provide you with a coherent selection of electrical and electronic engineering subjects to advanced level. Module combinations include communications and signal processing through control engineering to electrical machines and drives. Studying a 'with industry' masters degree is the perfect way for you to enhance your career prospects and deepen your understanding of your specific area of expertise. By experiencing real-world scenarios and applying your skills and knowledge to business challenges, you will gain a unique insight into how your studies can be utilised in industry. This will not only showcase your abilities to future employers, but will also enhance your studies when you return to University to complete your programme.

Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with Industrial Placement) (Taught) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 15 months | University of Leicester | United Kingdom

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