Postgraduate Laws LLM | Master's degree | Law | Online/Distance | 1-5 years | University of London | United Kingdom

Our world-class, flexible Postgraduate Laws program are designed to meet a diverse range of needs. With 32 specializations and 65 courses, you can either build a broad range of skills or specialize in a specific field. Gain advanced knowledge of legal issues for careers in law, government, banking and financial services, national and international corporations, the Media, human rights and more.The Postgraduate Laws program provide you with many of the key attributes required by law firms - advanced, specialist legal training and the ability to work in a multinational legal environment. Our graduates regularly advance to high-level positions in a variety of sectors, including banking, financial regulation, human rights agencies, NGOs and public service.

Postgraduate Laws LLM | Master's degree | Law | Online/Distance | 1-5 years | University of London | United Kingdom

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