BA in Hungarian Literature and Linguistics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

The German Studies BA program aims to provide students with basic knowledge in the core areas of German studies. The students acquire the German language at level C1 of the common European reference framework, they are also able to understand and produce general political, economic, linguistic and literary texts. A completed BA degree opens up numerous career opportunities in various areas, such as in national and international companies, and entitles you to access a master’s degree. During the BA course, students develop knowledge and skills in the following areas: German language skills at level C1; Basic linguistic knowledge, knowledge of the grammar of contemporary German; Literature of the German-speaking countries; Regional studies of the German-speaking countries; Basic knowledge in cultural and media studies; Presentation techniques.

BA in Hungarian Literature and Linguistics | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

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