BSc in Civil Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

This programme is accredited by the Institute of Building Construction and meets the requirements to train innovative, up-to-date civil engineers who go on to design cities with structure. This wide-ranging scientific and engineering field covers large structures and constructions, building engineering, infrastructure management like bridges and highways, and municipal water and wastewater systems. Study of these fields comprises of learning classical engineering sciences such as mathematics, natural sciences and economics. In addition to engineering subjects, the programme provides training in computers and communication skills. Although most graduates go on to work in the field of planning, design or management, they may also be involved in construction engineering, structural engineering, transportation and urban planning, or set themselves up in independent practice.

BSc in Civil Engineering | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 4 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

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