MSc in Architecture | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

This programme trains students to apply their complex knowledge in the areas of architecture and urban planning, as well as in the multi-faceted field of environment formation in general (architectural design, town and country planning, preservation of built heritage, structural design, construction work, management and administration tasks, consulting with authorities, teaching, etc.) In addition, students are prepared for their professional planning license once they have gained the prerequisite practical experience as required by the relevant regulations. The final complex design project and the diploma design project are a summary, a synthesis of their studies and serve as a final assessment of their acquired knowledge. During training, studies are complemented by Scientific Students’ Conference projects prepared with the co-operation of students and tutors (the latter also being in charge of supervising their work). Within the professional field of architecture, students acquire individual expertise in a specific field and can apply for admission to the DLA&PhD degree programme based on their specialization. The DLA&PhD programme operates within the framework of an accredited doctoral school at the institute.

MSc in Architecture | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

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