MSc in Interior and Spatial design | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

The program trains interior design artists how to implement aesthetic, functional, and Psychological aspects of a given space or spaces. Graduates will possess essential technical knowledge, artistic skills, have an understanding and thorough knowledge about the design thought-process and their importance during the planning procedure. They also acquire primary manufacturing-, production processes and their conditions. Students gain both practical and professional experiences throughout the course of their studies and are prepared to pursue their education in the doctoral programme if they wish. Qualified interior design artists are expected to perceive complex professional issues, develop an individual design and creative programme, conduct their autonomous work accordingly, as well as to employ the correct tools, methods, procedures and technologies proficiently in the creation of their own concepts and designs.

MSc in Interior and Spatial design | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

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