OTM in Pharmacy | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 5 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

The Academic program offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy leads to the Pharmacy degree with a Pharm. D. title. This programme provides complete theoretical and practical training in pharmacy. The holder of the degree is entitled to bear the doctoral title (Dr. Pharm). The Hungarian pharmacist MSc diploma is internationally accepted in the EU and in several other countries, international regulations may require pharmacists - similarly to other professionals - professional and/or language examination, practical training, studies, etc. for licensure. This program extends over a period of five years (10 semesters). It begins with an introduction to the basic sciences providing a basis for further pharmaceutical studies. In the second part of the program, students take part in general and specialized pharmaceutical education at the university departments, teaching pharmacies, institutes, laboratories and pharmaceutical industry. The Pharmacy diploma entitles its holder to work at public and hospital pharmacies, laboratories, pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical research institutes, in the international commercial trade of pharmaceuticals, and the management of pharmaceutical materials.

OTM in Pharmacy | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 5 years | University of Pécs | Hungary

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