BA (Hons) International Development and Languages | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of Portsmouth | United Kingdom

On this BA (Hons) International Development and Languages degree course, you’ll learn 1 or 2 languages and combine this with the skills, knowledge and experience to make a difference to societies across the globe. You can pick up a language from beginner's level (French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese) or post-A level (French, Spanish). You’ll explore the role and purpose of international development, build your understanding of world affairs, and work towards fluency in your chosen languages. You’ll also have opportunities to put your knowledge to work with not-for-profit organisations in developing countries. This course is ideal for a career working in organisations around the globe in roles such as in government, teaching and working with non-government organisations (NGOs).

BA (Hons) International Development and Languages | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | University of Portsmouth | United Kingdom

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