Drama and Theatre Studies | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom

On this course you will study what theatre has been, explore what it is, and imagine all that it can be. Through an innovative combination of theory and practice, you will develop your skills as a theatre-maker and creative thinker and prepare yourself for work in the creative industries and beyond. Theatre asks questions and opens up experimental spaces for things to unfold and happen, all in the excitement of shared time. Supported by internationally-recognised staff with a wide range of expertise, on this degree you will experiment with texts, practices and production work and encounter a wide range of historic and contemporary theatre forms, from scripted drama to site-specific performance and from Shakespeare to experiments in new Media.

Drama and Theatre Studies | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | Aberystwyth University | United Kingdom

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