Product Design | Foundation / Pathway program | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Cardiff Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

FdA Product Design will allow you to develop a range of design skills across many areas of Product Design including, Industrial Design, Furniture Design, Computer Graphics, Branding Design, Set and Prop Design and Spatial Design. Central to the practice will be the study of materials and workshop processes to create models and prototypes, critical thinking, 3D computer modelling, visual communication and historical and contemporary design in context. The structure of the course also offers you the opportunity to gather strong business perspective and undertake a work placement within industry. The course is project-led and studio based with a mix of technical workshops, lectures, seminars and supervised studio practice. Assessment is continuous. There is opportunity to progress onto the third year of the BA (Hons) Product Design degree within the School of Art and Design at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Product Design | Foundation / Pathway program | Art & Design | On Campus | 2 years | Cardiff Metropolitan University | United Kingdom

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